If you need to cancel an event please inform our Help Center as soon as possible and provide a reason.  Your event will immediately be marked as ‘CANCELLED’ and no further registrations/purchases will be possible. 

Our Help Center will then message all those with an active registration and/or purchase to inform them of the cancellation and the process to claim their refund directly.  We require registrants to claim their own refund as we then know they have seen and acknowledged the cancellation notice.  Anyone who has not cancelled/claimed their refund by the original close of registration will be contacted directly and their cancel/refund request will be initiated by the Help Center directly.

If you need to postpone an event please inform our Help Center as soon as possible and provide a reason and, if possible, a new date.  Your event will immediately be marked as ‘POSTPONED’ (if no new date is provided) and no further registrations/purchases will be possible. If a new date is provide the event will immediately be marked as ‘NEW DATE’ and registrations will be uninterrupted. 

Our Help Center will then message all those with an active registration and/or purchase to inform them of the postponement or new date, as applicable. They will be informed their registration will be automatically carried through to the new event date for those that wish or, if the new date is unsuitable, they will be directed how to process a cancellation and to claim their refund directly.  If the date permitted for refunds has already been reached it will be extended for a suitable period of time to allow cancel/refund options in consideration of the postponement.